I gave a Tech Talk today at Codesmith NY on Next.js
Codesmith - End of Week 5. Goodbye Junior portion!
Whoops. Forgot to blog on Sunday, didn’t have the task in my Things repeating list.
Week 5 was the last real week as Juniors. We learned about web pack. Webpack sets up web app websites. It usually has babel so stuff you write like React and SCSS can get transposed, translated down into vanilla Javascript. It also makes your code smaller so it loads faster.
Then we had solo projects where I had this grand idea to make search work via the Giant Bomb Wiki API. I couldn’t even get my hard-coded fetch for the Super Mario Odyssey box art to display Mario’s handsome face. Sadly, my button didn’t work.
Then we did our first scratch project where we have an idea and do a group project together form scratch.
(originally drafted on Nov 23, 2020 at 9:01 AM)
Codesmith – end of week 4: lip syncing and groove finding
I’ve made it to the end of week 4! I feel like this week was my best week yet. I think I got the self-care groove locked in this time around. We’ll see how it goes going forward with fewer lectures and structuring my days around project completion.
This week I learned about SQL and NoSQL databases and how to make tables and queries and how to display my searches form postgresQL. I learned how to access data from Mongo. I learned how to make cookies and grant access to things. I solved maybe one or two hack hours within the given time limit. Turns out lip syncing to pop punk makes me think better and faster. I learned testing with Jest, enzyme, and superset to test vanilla JS and React components. The Is keyword is a thing for testing React.
Tomorrow we have a lecture on build tools.
I did not attend my last mentor session on my bike, I’ll rectify that for this coming last one with George.
It’s projects, projects, projects going forward. I’m nervous, I’m excited.
Here we go. Week 5.
a song to lip sync to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKuGVIDj9MA
Codesmith – Week 3: What’d I learn??
It’s been a while.
What’d I learn this week?
React, advanced UI/UX in HTML/CSS, vanilla server stuff in Node, and express.
I’ve got an assessment tomorrow on all these concepts and I am not feeling terrible confident in my skills. But hopefully I can get some work done tonight and a little more tomorrow morning after my rings workout.
I’m making great friends in this program and I am so happy about that.
Til next week!
Miguel -
I got into Codesmith!
I just got the news today that I got accepted into Codesmith NYC’s Oct 2020 cohort!
I’m nervous! I’m excited!
an invocation for beginnings
here I go. time to get up and try again.
Welcome to Miguel Learns!
Hello and welcome to my blog!
const helloWorld = () => { return `Hello from Miguel!`; } helloWorld();
I’m learning JavaScript programming and my hope is that by explaining concepts to myself here, maybe it can also help others who are learning the same thing.
See you soon!
Miguel -
Upgrade, 2018
Watched on Thursday January 30, 2020.
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