the hardest thing with my singing is matching pitch. thanks for spitting into a tube, 2011-Miguel for this genetic insight.

i need some practice drills to get better at it. do i just use my guitar tuner and do scales and notice what my vocal chords feel like?

p.s. don’t spit into a tube and pay dollars to send it to some company

Traits Reports 33+ reports available
Explore the genetics behind your appearance and senses.
Ability to Match Musical Pitch About a 50/50 chance of being able to match a musical pitch
Asparagus Odor Detection Likely can smell
Back Hair Likely little upper back hair
Bald Spot Likely no bald spot
Bitter Taste Likely can taste
Cheek Dimples Likely no dimples
Cilantro Taste Aversion Slightly higher odds of disliking cilantro
Cleft Chin Likely no cleft chin
Dandruff Less likely to get dandruff
Earlobe Type Likely detached earlobes