so… no sex in the loft bed?? also the mattress i bought is 10"… am i gonna fall???

to help prevent serious or fatal injuries from entrapment or falls:
• Never allow a child under 6 yers
con upper bunk.
• Use only mattress which is 74 - 7
5" long and 53" - 54"
wide on upper bunk.
• Ensure thickness of mattress does not exceed 6" and mattress is
at least 5" below upper edge of guardrails.
• Use guardrails on both sides of upper bunk.
• Prohibit horseplay on or under bed(s).
• Prohibit more than one person on upper bunk.
• Use ladder for entering and leaving upper bunk.
STRANGULATION HAZARD - Never attach or hang items to any
part of the bunk bed that are not designed for use with the bed; for
example, but not limited to, hooks, belts and jump ropes.